Tuesday, November 18, 2008

anda yang mana ???

~ bila lah aku dapat mengecapi ukhuwah seperti kaum ansar dan muhajirin? memberi tanpa mengharap sebarang balasan ... menerima tanpa mengambil kesempatan~ (Diari HuMaiRA 18/11/08)

Salamun 'alayk ...

Recently, I saw a very respectful lecturer of mine in one of the tv progs. He was
involved with the promotion of Kampung Boy cartoon in German.

What amazed me the most was, knowing the fact that he is the Managing Director of ITNM. (if i'm not mistaken)

I felt so excited at the fact I once had the chance to study under this person.

He was and still, always a great lecturer to me whom not only taught about the subject he ought to be teaching, but, also he was and always is the best teacher whom thought me about life.

I like the fact that he always emphasized on the importance of critical thinking.
(and boy, it's really important nowadays; not only to be a good lawyer but also a good muslim)

Apart from that, he liked to share with us stories of the latest books he read. He always made it sound very interesting and I'm glad I did bought the book he recommended (Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata).

And in today's entry I would love to share with you, one of the story he once told us in class.
(I couldn't really remember the exact wording to the story. So, I'll be rephrasing it in my own words)


Hari ni saya nak kongsi dengan kamu tentang kisah sahabat saya yang menuntut di salah sebuah negara Arab.

Ada seorang pak Arab ni... kenalan sahabat saya lah. Dia memang minat sangat kat satu jaket nih...

So, setiap hari dia akan kumpul duit semata-mata untuk membeli jaket yang dia suka tu. Bila duit dia dah cukup, dia pun beli lah jaket tu.

Masa dia nak ke masjid, dia pun pakai jaket tu masa solat. (jaket baru lah kata kan... lagi seronok pakai. Bau kedai pun tak hilang)

Habis je solat, para jemaah pun bersalam-salaman. Kawan saya ni bersalaman dengan kenalan Arab dia ni.

Dan memang rasmi orang Melayu agaknya, tak sah kalau tidak memuji. Dia pun puji jaket pak arab ni,

(dlm b.arb la kan)
'' cantik jaket enta lah.... mesti baru beli . bau kedai pun tak hilang lagi ni ''

" enta suka ke jaket ni? "

" mesti lah suka. cantik pulak tuh. mesti mahal kan"

" nak kata mahal tu tak lah sangat. Ana memang dah lama simpan duit untuk beli jaket ni "

" memang berbaloi. cantik betul " (org melayu kalo puji ishkk...kekadang terlampau pun ye)

Pak Arab tu senyum je.

Keesokan hari nya, (di masjid) selesai saje solat. Pak Arab ni datang dekat sahabat saya sambil membawa sebuah hadiah yang di bungkus dengan pembalut yang sangat cantik.
Pak Arab ni hulurkan hadiah tu pada sahabat saya.

" Ini, untuk enta"

" Hadiah apa ni? Susah2 je. Bukan besday ana pun"

" Xpe lah... selama kenal dengan enta, ana tak pernah bagi hadiah,kan. Ambik lah"

Sahabat saya ni pun buka lah hadiah tu...

" eh, ini kan jaket yang enta baru beli. Kenapa bagi ana?"

" kan enta kata enta suka"

" memang ana suka. tapi, enta dah lama nak kan jaket ni. tak sayang ke?"

" ana sayang kan enta lebih dari ana sayang kan jaket ni. Jaket ni ana boleh beli bila-bila masa je. Tapi, persahabatan kita ni tak terbanding dengan sehelai jaket"



that really hurt...

terharu... termalu pun ye gak...

sampai sekarang... aku masih belum mampu nak sebegitu

bayang kan, kumpul duit nak beli one pair of kasut or baju yang kita memang dah lama target.

Kalau aku, uish ... ampun lah nak main bagi je kalau baru beli. Tunggu dah rahai atau dah muak lah baru orang lain boleh rasa.

Kalau bagi pinjam pun bersyarat manjang ...

tak pun dalam hati mesti terdetik ...

"ishk, de ni ... beli la sendiri" (ade gak la sekelumit rasa ralat)

teringat pula zaman Rasul dulu... betapa hebatnya ukhuwwah ansar dan muhajirin.

Sehingga saudara ansar Abdul Rahman bin Auf r.a. boleh menawarkan isterinya... pilih mana suka.


anda yang mana ye ???

~ lets change towards the better...
give more, expect less ~

Monday, November 17, 2008

lets renew our hearts ...

~hati ku hitam? kelam? suram??? Ya Rabb, ku ingin memperindahkan hati ku...bantu lah hamba Mu ini, Ya Allah...aku terlalu lemah...~ (Diari HuMaiRA 17/11/08)

Salamun 'alayk ...

need I say more ???

Allah sedang beri amaran pada kita !!!

~Terkadang ku berfikir tatkala bersendirian... layak kah aku di nobat sebagai Khalifah Allah? Layakkah ku menerima gelaran sedemikian rupa? Taklif yang di beri terasa sangat berat... tidak mampu rasanya untuk ku pikul... kerna ku sering mengingkari suruhanNya... sehingga ku sendiri rebah dan tersungkur ke dalam sangkar dosa~ (Diari HuMaiRA 17/11/08)

Salamun 'alayk ...

Pada hari UPSR di umumkan, ummi dan aku bertandang ke rumah makngah. Tujuannya tak lain dan tak bukan, ialah, mengucapkan tahniah kepada sepupuku. Keputusannya walau tidak lah mencapai 5a, namun, ku kira wajar di beri 'kredit' untuk usahanya sepanjang tempoh sebelum UPSR berlangsung.

Kebiasaannya, bila dah bertandang, semestinya akan ada lah 'open table' i.e. membicarakan maslahah negara dan ummah (bukan ngumpat ye...hehe)dan aku lah pendengar setia kepada diskusi2 hangat mereka. Dari hal keluarga hinggalah ke politik Pak Lah.

Tapi,dalam entri kali ini, bukan lah nak bercerita tentang semua perkara yang telah di bicarakan... cuma ingin berkongsi suatu topik yang ku kira sangat menarik.

Masa tu, dalam syok2 berbual dan mendengar, makngah melahirkan kebimbangannya.

"ape nak jadi dengan dunia kita sekarang... dah lah macam2 penyakit timbul. tengok je lah budak2 zaman sekarang ni... Xde dah rasa malu. Kita yang tengok jadi malu. Dia xde rasa segan pun"

"memang pun... itulah. Dia xsedar... dah macam2 amaran yang Allah dah turunkan. Tapi xcuba nak faham pun" (ummi menambah)

"kaklong, memang ada pun hadith kata, kalau zina berleluasa memang banyak penyakit baru akan muncul!"


Dan memang betul pun... dah jelas.

Pernah dengar tak sebelum ni pasal chikungunya?

Dulu masa mula-mula abah cerita pasal penyakit ni, kami sekeluarga tergelak.

Kalau ciku tu pernah lah dengar. Tapi, chikungunya...

hurmmm.... memang tak pernah.

So, dengan kemudahan internet, aku pun surf lah kat wikipedia...

(in Makonde, ''that which bends up'') virus (CHIKV) is an insect-borne virus, of the genus, Alphavirus, that is transmitted to humans by virus-carrying Aedes mosquitoes. There have been recent outbreaks of CHIKV associated with severe morbidity. CHIKV causes an illness with symptoms similar to dengue fever. CHIVK manifests itself with an acute febrile phase of the illness lasts only two to five days. Followed by a prolonged arthralgic disease that affects the joints of the extremities. The pain associated with CHIKV infection of the joints persists for weeks or months.

Rupanya, chikungunya penyakit bawaan nyamuk. Pertama kali dikesan melalui ujian darah di Tanzania tahun 1953. Selalunya berlaku di negara2 Afrika je. Namun, sejak kebelakangan ni, ia mula menular di Malaysia. (sumber dari KKM)

Ingat kan nyamuk pembawa ni dari Afrika jugak. Tapi rupanya, dari nyamuk yang sangat 'femes' di kalangan rakyat Malaysia i.e. nyamuk aedes.
Di namakan chikungunya (bahasa dari Afrika) i.e. bengkok, kerana pesakit kebiasaannya akan membengkok. Xmampu nak bergerak dan perlu di papah untuk berjalan. Sehingga kini, penyakit ini tidak mempunyai sebarang vaksin.

Ini sebenarnya bala yang di turunkan Allah pada kita. Dari denggi ke JE sampai sekarang ada chikungunya pula. Sedar atau tidak, semuanya hanya berpunca dari seekor nyamuk!
Selepas ini, pasti akan banyak lagi penyakit lain pula yang wujud sekiranya kita masih berdegil dan engkar akan suruhan dan laranganNya.

Di dalam hadith, dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a;

Rasulullah datang berjumpa kami. Lalu baginda menyampaikan ucapannya:

"Wahai kaum muhajirin! Lima perkara aku memohon perlindungan dengan Allah S.W.T semoga tidak sempat menimpa kamu; (antaranya) tidak merebak perlakuan terkutuk (zina) dalam sesuatu bangsa sehingga mereka melakukannya secara terang-terangan melainkan merebak jualah taun dan wabak penyakit yang belum pernah berlaku kepada manusia terdahulu"

Astaghfirullah al-azim ...

Rasul sendiri telah mengesahkan bahawa akan merebak penyakit2 yang baru (semestinya mengambil masa untuk mencari penawar) sekiranya zina itu berleluasa.

Inginku peringatkan, zina bukan sahaja bermakna perbuatan terkutuk yang di lakukan lelaki dan perempuan atau mengikut trend terkini sesama jenis, sahaja. Malah tangan, mata, kaki dan hati juga mampu (kekadang tanpa di sedari) melakukan zina.

Apa kita perlu tunggu sehingga banyak lagi penyakit baru yang muncul, baru kita nak sedar dan berubah?

Bala yang di turun kan bukan sahaja kepada mereka yang melakukan dosa malah kita semua pasti akan merasa tempiasnya juga kerana permasalahan ini bukan permasalahan individu, tetapi permasalahan ummah.

Kita perlu sedar.

Kita perlu bijak memainkan peranan dalam 'capacity' masing2.

Kalau kita bersikap diam dan lepas tangan, maka tunggulah azab yang di janjikanNya.

Justeru, mari lah kita sama2 memikirkan penyelesaian kepada permasalahan ini dan sedarlah, bahawa Allah sedang memberi amaran kepada kita!!!

Walau terasa diri ini bukan lah yang layak memberikan peringatan sedemikian rupa. Namun, ku kira, ini sebahagian dari taklif yang perlu di laksanakan.


Friday, November 14, 2008

The key to happiness ...

~happiness is something money could not possibly buy~
(Diari HuMaiRA 14/11/08)

Salamun 'alayk ...

Today, my father showed me, indeed, a very interesting power point presentation sent to him by a friend. It was about how an old wise man who is in his early 90's (if u consider it to be early) describe his key to happiness. I wish I could paste it on the site but unfortunately it couldn't be uploaded.

It's very amazing how the key to a happy life could be so simple.

It goes like this...

The wife of this wise old man died. So he was obliged to move to the retirement home. (an old folks home) As he was waiting in the lobby, a man came to take him to his room and while walking, the man described the room that he would be living in.

'' You'll be staying in a small room with a sheet hanging serving as a curtain".

'' I like it very much ''
the wise old man said with an enthusiasm like an 8 year old getting a new puppy.

'' Sir, you haven't seen the room '' .

'' That has nothing to do with it. Happiness is something I choose in advance. Whether or not I like the room does not depends on the furniture or the decor- rather it depends on how I choose to see it as ".

" it is already decided in my mind that I like my room. It is a decision I take every morning when I wake up. Every day is a gift and as long as I can open my eyes I will focus on the new day and all the happy memories that I have built up during my life"

Masha Allah...

This old man was certainly wise indeed. He appreciated every moment and seconds of his life.

Did you realize the way he acted and thought? He didn't even see the room, yet, he was very delighted. That's because he chose to be happy with whatever he has and will have.

My dear friends,

We too, have that freedom of choosing. Allah gave us 'Aql for us to choose wisely.

He gave a lot of ni'mat to us and we must be thankful for that.

However, people tend to complain and be ungrateful for the blessings He gave.

We always feel that everything is insufficient.

'' Wishing for a laptop while having a desktop

Wishing for a Porsche while already having a well-conditioned car

Wishing for a new brand mobile phone while already having a good mobile phone

Wishing to be like those from the west while already having (ISLAM) the most perfect lifestyle''

See, we tend to wish for things and not being grateful and thankful enough for what we already possess.

His sayings are true... No doubt about it.

'' I gave you a lot of ni'mat but only little of you who are thankful''

It's true.

Little of us are happy and satisfied with what we have.

Now my dear friends... which would you choose? I know what I would. I'd go for happiness... hope u'll too ...

Who Wants To Be A Superhero (1) ?

Salamun 'alayk ...

Yesterday I watched this one reality prog broadcast on 8tv. The prog was called "who wants to be a superhero". It was quite an interesting, tho rather dumb, reality prog.

Actually, I'm never a fan of reality progs apart from Akademi Nasyid. However, as I was about to change the channel, the prize promised really captured my attention. The winner of this prog would be awarded as Stan Lee said, "IMMORTALITY" ...


Who wouldn't want immortality right? I must say the prize is really huge. For all I know, people, somewhat somehow, will and must die one day and for mortals to be immortal, I must say the prize is unbelievable. So, I change my mind and stayed tuning to the prog.

In this very prog, all the contestant had to do is to come up with one super-hero character, powers they possess i.e. their mojo and a self-made costume.
(not hard to do,right?) hmm.... i'll be thinking of mine now... haha

However, later, I came to know what the prize of 'immortality' meant. The immortality craved by the contestants were actually; having their character immortalized in a new comic book created by Stan Lee himself. (a famous comic writer)

Gosh, that was what the prize was? and people are craving for it?

Yeah, I know, the idea of having me in a comic book as a superhero, ops, super'heroin' is kinda cool,huh? HaHa...

Anyway, later that night, the prog made me realize something. Something very important. Something which I kept on forgetting. We are SUPER HEROES! ...

to be continued ...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

~Aku yang alpa~

~Bila yang pekak mula mendengar ... Saat yang buta mula melihat ... tatkala yang bisu mula berbicara~
(Diari HuMaiRA 05/11/08)

Salamun 'alayk...

it's been so long since i posted my last entry... feels like my blog is already dying.but for sure, i won't let this happen...i love writing but at times ideas juz wonders in and out off my head...and to put it in writing...i have to crack my brain up to make the sentence juz to be "read-able"...

the pressure of life has been on since the finals started...now, only one paper left. Hopefully i'll be doing well and able to score since there's 5 days gap.But God knows how difficult it is for me to study during the gap days...huhu. Up until now, my method of studying would be,
"if the exam is not tomorrow,then today is relaxing" (please don't try this at home).
I've tried to improve but, you know,when there is no pressure,my brain seems to be so slow in eating up the facts.

hurmm...3 days left for me to revise (minus today) and i haven't started to read a single thing. Yet, i know, i'll be regretting my 'relaxness' on the night of the exam and wishing i had been pushing myself to digest all facts earlier. huhu...

forget about the exams...now, i'm in dilemma.This month is (apart being pressuring) has been very rewarding as my hard work last semester paid off.Alhamdulillah,I've been offered 2 scholarships but the problem is, i could only have one (not that im greedy or anything).
Both scholarship have different things to offer.One gives a larger amount per sem.One gives laptops for free.Oh! the offers are killing me as both require "bonding" at the end.Abah said to accept this one and my aunt gave a different view to accept the other and im in between as to deciede which to accept.

I know, compared to others who didn't manage to receive, i really have to consider myself as lucky and i do...i really do.The blessings which He gave to me is very unexpected. Im not someone pious but He still offers me unexpected rewards.I feel ashamed of myself.He keeps on rewarding me even tough i continuously commit sin...He remembers me even i always forgot Him.

i felt as tho i'v been slapped...
and how i have been such a worst 'abd...

Tears went down to my cheeks as i started to realize the fact. Who am i to receive such blessings?

Ya Rabb...

You are the ArRahman and the ArRahiim...

How cruel i have been to myself. I want to be a thankful servant as my name bares the meaning of such.I know i have to start and push myself to raise to the highest level possible to be His 'abd. As we all have made covenants with Him during the ruh period.

hurm...I have to start now with no more hasstle...

for the answer to the scholarship...i pray i'll be choosing the right one.the one which would help me to contribute more to my family, friends especially, the ummah...
